IAP2 USA Core Services - Professional Development Found Here!

IAP2 supports your professional development and the practice of public participation by offering a variety of core services designed to meet your needs, from the annual North American Conference and Skills Symposiums, to monthly webinars and the recent launch of IAP2 USA "Virtual Training University," to providing assistance in coordinating in-house IAP2 trainings.

What's more, the various local chapters offer conferences, local presentations, and networking opportunities.

Check these resources to learn more, and be sure to use the Core Competencies developed to support the IAP2 Professional Certification Program to chart your course!

Core Services

  • IAP2 Core Values Awards - Building the P2 community by annually showcasing projects and organizations at the forefront of public participation. Submit your project or organization this coming spring!

  • Professional Certification - Raising the bar for the field of public participation by recognizing those who demonstrate the highest standards of the practice. Participate in the next assessment center to become a certified P2 professional!

  • IAP2 USA Mentorship Program - Participate in this annual program that connects seasoned practitioners and those new to the profession to build the practice by sharing knowledge. 

  • IAP2 North American Conference - Attend the annual conference to learn from and connect with P2 practitioners from around the world! (Conference Archive)

  • IAP2 USA Skills Symposium - This annual skills development event provides a mix of learning opportunities designed to keep practitioners at the forefront of the practice.

  • IAP2 Monthly Learning Webinars - Free for members, the IAP2 Monthly Learning Webinars highlight topics of interest to P2 practitioners; co-hosted with IAP2 Canada and IAP2 Australasia.

  • Student Services - Building the practice by encouraging the next generation of practitioners.

  • IAP2 Foundations in Public Participation and Emotion, Outrage & Public Participation - The IAP2 Flagship programs are the global gold standard in public participation. 

Upcoming P2 Professional Development Opportunities

Additional Resources

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