IAP2 Licensed Elective Courses

We are very excited to be launching the next evolution of training that builds on our foundational best practices. In addition to the three core courses that make up the IAP2 Global Certificate in Public Participation we have added three electives courses to the Global Learning Pathway. Visit our training calendar to register for updated course offerings.

As a key leader in the public participation sector IAP2 USA provides skills-based learning to people and organizations on what they need to know and do, so that they can successfully develop, deliver, and lead authentic engagement processes.

The prerequisite for these courses is Fundamentals of Public Participation or the Foundations of P2 courses. 

IAP2 Understanding Conflict in Public Participation

The aim of Understanding Conflict in P2/engagement is to help you understand, and more effectively manage, conflict dynamics. The focus of this Level 1 course will be on developing the skills of participants to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within their P2/engagement work.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the sources, types and factors that contribute to conflict in P2/engagement and the impact they may have on the process

  • Understand the role of power and influence in engagement practice

  • Understand and identify the cycle of escalation, and the behaviors, attitudes and actions that are evident as conflict increases

  • Contribute to and/or apply strategies to de-escalate challenging situations

  • Identify how to build effective relationships and partnerships through empathy, active listening, respect and trust

  • Learn approaches to work in challenging situations applying behaviors that build trust and credibility

  • Consider the role of integrity and ethics in the conduct of the P2/engagement practitioner, and how that is upheld in the process

    IAP2's Understanding People and Communities 

    Discover and apply deep understanding and insights into the people and communities involved in P2/engagement processes, to make the processes more meaningful and effective. This Level 1 course provides an introduction to working with diversity, equity and inclusion in P2/engagement

    Course Objectives:

    • Identify and apply an approach for understanding people and communities for P2/engagement processes
    • Reflect on factors of cultural competence and cultural humility, and assess your practice and approach against the factors to identify areas of strength and growth
    • Apply a variety of analysis and mapping tools to understand diversity and map values
    • Identify ways to increase access and center equity by reducing barriers to participation
    • Reflect on how to build rapport, trust and relationships with people and communities, and apply and assess approaches in a P2/engagement scenario
    • Assess and apply knowledge to planning and implementation of meaningful and effective P2/engagement across the Practice Framework

      IAP2's Working with Conflict and High Emotion

      The focus of this Level 3 course is on de-escalating and shifting conflict and high emotion to constructive participation, where forward momentum and resolution are possible.

      Participants will gain a deep understanding of the state of conflict, and work with practical, tangible approaches to deescalate and transform challenges. Over the course, we will cover tools, strategies and ways of working to resolve polarized and emotional challenges.

      Course Objectives:

      • Assess the state of conflict and emotion in the
      • P2/engagement process, and create productive and constructive approaches
      • Work with the stages of conflict escalation and apply he concepts of de-escalation
      • Apply a variety of strategies to transform the conflict in P2/engagement
      • Identify the impact of high emotion and apply a range of approaches to deescalate challenges
      • Identify how to reduce conflict in situations of misinformation and dueling facts
      • Apply the principles of storytelling to connect people to each other, increase understanding and reduce conflict
      • Learn from mistakes and understand the role of failure in P2/engagement processes
      • Identify and apply how to mo0del integrity and behaviors hat deescalate conflict
      • Apply the strategies and tools to your own project or situation

      Who Should Take This Course: Level 2 and 3 practitioners who are:

      • leading and managing P2/engagement processes with challenges, scope and scale looking for tools and strategies to apply to a polarized, charged P2/engagement environment
      • Practitioners with experience in P2/engagement processes where there is conflict and/or high emotion

      By the end of Working with Conflict and High Emotion, you will be ready to travel on a journey that improves mutual understanding, changes relationships and systems to meet human needs, contributes to building peace and creates lasting change.

          Upcoming IAP2 Elective Courses

            • July 30, 2024
            • (EDT)
            • July 31, 2024
            • (EDT)
            • 2 sessions
            • Online with Trainer Penny Mabie
            • 19

            IAP2 Understanding Conflict in Public Participation

            **You must first complete Fundamentals of Public Participation or the previous Foundations Training to take this course**

            The aim of Understanding Conflict in P2/engagement is to help you understand, and more effectively manage, conflict dynamics. The focus of this Level 1 course will be on developing the skills of participants to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within their P2/engagement work.

            Course Objectives:

            • Understand the sources, types and factors that contribute to conflict in P2/engagement and the impact they may have on the process

            • Understand the role of power and influence in engagement practice

            • Understand and identify the cycle of escalation, and the behaviors, attitudes and actions that are evident as conflict increases

            • Contribute to and/or apply strategies to de-escalate challenging situations

            • Identify how to build effective relationships and partnerships through empathy, active listening, respect and trust

            • Learn approaches to work in challenging situations applying behaviors that build trust and credibility

            • Consider the role of integrity and ethics in the conduct of the P2/engagement practitioner, and how that is upheld in the process

              Professional Certification/Credits

              Applying Methods for Public Participation (4 - 4 hour sessions CM I 20 CM

                July 30 - 31, 2024       1 PM – 5 PM ET

                Members $550 -- Regular $650 

                Last day to Register July 29, 2024 

                PLEASE NOTE: IAP2 USA members must be logged in to receive the member rate. International IAP2 members can contact info@iap2usa.org for a code to register. 

                 — Cancellation and Substitution policy —

                **You must first complete Fundamentals of P2 before this course**

                Completion of IAP2 Foundations in P2: Planning For Effective Public Participation prior to 2023 also counts as a prerequisite for this course**


                #1 Fundamentals of Public Participation (2 - 4 hour sessions CM I 8 CM

                July 23 - 24, 2024

                Members $275 --  Regular $325

                • July 31, 2024
                • (EDT)
                • August 02, 2024
                • (EDT)
                • 2 sessions
                • Online with Trainer Kimberly Horndeski

                IAP2 Understanding Conflict in Public Participation

                **You must first complete Fundamentals of Public Participation or IAP2's previous Foundations Training to take this course**

                The aim of Understanding Conflict in P2/engagement is to help you understand, and more effectively manage, conflict dynamics. The focus of this Level 1 course will be on developing the skills of participants to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within their P2/engagement work.

                Course Objectives:

                • Understand the sources, types and factors that contribute to conflict in P2/engagement and the impact they may have on the process

                • Understand the role of power and influence in engagement practice

                • Understand and identify the cycle of escalation, and the behaviors, attitudes and actions that are evident as conflict increases

                • Contribute to and/or apply strategies to de-escalate challenging situations

                • Identify how to build effective relationships and partnerships through empathy, active listening, respect and trust

                • Learn approaches to work in challenging situations applying behaviors that build trust and credibility

                • Consider the role of integrity and ethics in the conduct of the P2/engagement practitioner, and how that is upheld in the process

                This is an IAP2 core training course delivered externally by an IAP2 licensed trainer. MUST REGISTER ON TRAINERS WEBSITE!

                Click Here to Register on trainers website! 



                • Members $275
                • Regular/Non-Member $325

                Date/Time of Training:

                July 31 & August 2, 2024 

                • 1:00 to 5:00 PM Eastern 

                Trainer: Kimberly Horndeski

                Kimberly is a certified mediator, facilitator, and the Executive Director for Community Consulting LLC. Her work focuses on integrating policy and science to engage stakeholders, develop strategic plans, promote collaboration, and transform conflict into successful strategies for the future. She has led multiple state and national working groups to overcome challenges and reach consensus. Her projects include bottom-up approaches, such as working with nonprofits to develop effective strategies to engage elected officials in adopting initiatives, and top-down approaches, such as assisting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service throughout the nation to incorporate stakeholder values in the decision-making processes for federally-listed threatened and endangered species.

                • August 21, 2024
                • August 22, 2024
                • 2 sessions
                • Online with Trainer Cassie Hemphill

                IAP2 Understanding Conflict in Public Participation

                **You must first complete Fundamentals of Public Participation or IAP2's previous Foundations Training to take this course**

                The aim of Understanding Conflict in P2/engagement is to help you understand, and more effectively manage, conflict dynamics. The focus of this Level 1 course will be on developing the skills of participants to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within their P2/engagement work.

                Course Objectives:

                • Understand the sources, types and factors that contribute to conflict in P2/engagement and the impact they may have on the process

                • Understand the role of power and influence in engagement practice

                • Understand and identify the cycle of escalation, and the behaviors, attitudes and actions that are evident as conflict increases

                • Contribute to and/or apply strategies to de-escalate challenging situations

                • Identify how to build effective relationships and partnerships through empathy, active listening, respect and trust

                • Learn approaches to work in challenging situations applying behaviors that build trust and credibility

                • Consider the role of integrity and ethics in the conduct of the P2/engagement practitioner, and how that is upheld in the process


                This is an IAP2 core training course delivered externally by an IAP2 licensed trainer. MUST REGISTER ON TRAINERS WEBSITE!

                Click Here to Register on trainers website! 



                • Members $275
                • Regular/Non-Member $325

                Date/Time of Training:

                August 21 - 22, 2024 

                • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM MST 
                • One hour lunch break 
                • 1:00 PM to 3:00PM MST 


                This is an IAP2 core training course delivered externally by an IAP2 licensed trainer. MUST REGISTER ON TRAINERS WEBSITE!

                Click Here to Register on trainers website! 


                Trainer: Cassie Hemphill 

                Cassie Hemphill has more than 25 years of experience in designing and leading public participation and engagement processes and projects. Her work has included environmental and natural resource management, healthcare delivery, education, and community-based human services. She has been creating and delivering remote and in-person training experiences for professionals and community members for more than 15 years. 

                Cassie has been involved with IAP2 since 2003. She helped create IAP2 USA’s Professional Certification program, assisted with updates and development of IAP2’s course materials, and has served on the USA and Intermountain Chapter boards. She currently serves as an IAP2 Licensing Programme Mentor, preparing candidates from around the world to become IAP2 Licensed Trainers.

                Cassie’s Ph.D. research explored public/private collaboration in environmental management. Her M.A. research analyzed decision-makers' openness to public input. She has a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution and is an IAP2 USA Certified Public Participation Practitioner (CP3), a Certified Mediator (CM), and a Certified Virtual Facilitator (CVF).

                • August 28, 2024
                • August 29, 2024
                • 2 sessions
                • Online with Trainer Cassie Hemphill

                IAP2's Understanding People and Communities 

                Discover and apply deep understanding and insights into the people and communities involved in P2/engagement processes, to make the processes more meaningful and effective. This Level 1 course provides an introduction to working with diversity, equity and inclusion in P2/engagement.

                **Fundamentals of Public Participation is the prerequisites for this course

                COURSE OBJECTIVES:

                • Identify and apply an approach for understanding people and communities for P2/engagement processes
                • Reflect on factors of cultural competence and cultural humility, and assess your practice and approach against the factors to identify areas of strength and growth
                • Apply a variety of analysis and mapping tools to understand diversity and map values
                • Identify ways to increase access and center equity by reducing barriers to participation
                • Reflect on how to build rapport, trust and relationships with people and communities, and apply and assess approaches in a P2/engagement scenario
                • Assess and apply knowledge to planning and implementation of meaningful and effective P2/engagement across the Practice Framework


                Click Here to Register!

                  Professional Certification/Credits

                  Trainer: Cassie Hemphill 

                  Cassie Hemphill has more than 25 years of experience in designing and leading public participation and engagement processes and projects. Her work has included environmental and natural resource management, healthcare delivery, education, and community-based human services. She has been creating and delivering remote and in-person training experiences for professionals and community members for more than 15 years.

                  Cassie has been involved with IAP2 since 2003. She helped create IAP2 USA’s Professional Certification program, assisted with updates and development of IAP2’s course materials, and has served on the USA and Intermountain Chapter boards. She currently serves as an IAP2 Licensing Programme Mentor, preparing candidates from around the world to become IAP2 Licensed Trainers.

                  Cassie’s Ph.D. research explored public/private collaboration in environmental management. Her M.A. research analyzed decision-makers' openness to public input. She has a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution and is an IAP2 USA Certified Public Participation Practitioner (CP3), a Certified Mediator (CM), and a Certified Virtual Facilitator (CVF).

                  • September 19, 2024
                  • September 20, 2024
                  • 2 sessions
                  • Online with Trainer Cassie Hemphill

                  IAP2's Understanding People and Communities 

                  Discover and apply deep understanding and insights into the people and communities involved in P2/engagement processes, to make the processes more meaningful and effective. This Level 1 course provides an introduction to working with diversity, equity and inclusion in P2/engagement.

                  **Fundamentals of Public Participation is the prerequisites for this course

                  COURSE OBJECTIVES:

                  • Identify and apply an approach for understanding people and communities for P2/engagement processes
                  • Reflect on factors of cultural competence and cultural humility, and assess your practice and approach against the factors to identify areas of strength and growth
                  • Apply a variety of analysis and mapping tools to understand diversity and map values
                  • Identify ways to increase access and center equity by reducing barriers to participation
                  • Reflect on how to build rapport, trust and relationships with people and communities, and apply and assess approaches in a P2/engagement scenario
                  • Assess and apply knowledge to planning and implementation of meaningful and effective P2/engagement across the Practice Framework


                  Click Here to Register!

                    Professional Certification/Credits

                    Trainer: Cassie Hemphill 

                    Cassie Hemphill has more than 25 years of experience in designing and leading public participation and engagement processes and projects. Her work has included environmental and natural resource management, healthcare delivery, education, and community-based human services. She has been creating and delivering remote and in-person training experiences for professionals and community members for more than 15 years.

                    Cassie has been involved with IAP2 since 2003. She helped create IAP2 USA’s Professional Certification program, assisted with updates and development of IAP2’s course materials, and has served on the USA and Intermountain Chapter boards. She currently serves as an IAP2 Licensing Programme Mentor, preparing candidates from around the world to become IAP2 Licensed Trainers.

                    Cassie’s Ph.D. research explored public/private collaboration in environmental management. Her M.A. research analyzed decision-makers' openness to public input. She has a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution and is an IAP2 USA Certified Public Participation Practitioner (CP3), a Certified Mediator (CM), and a Certified Virtual Facilitator (CVF).

                  Copyright ©2010-2017 IAP2 USA. All rights reserved.