IAP2 USA Launches New Membership For Government Agencies

What IAP2 USA can do for you...

Today, governments across the country are adopting public participation ordinances and creating guidelines to better engage their residents in making decisions. To continue to encourage this trend, IAP2 USA has created a new government membership. For one flat rate, all employees within the organization can receive the following IAP2 member benefits.

  • Best Practices: Access to public participation resources and a network of public participation professionals. These include monthly learning webinars, the Journal of Public Deliberation, monthly newsletters, research and more.
  • Professional Development: Discounts for group training, participation in Skills Symposiums and conferences. In-house training is also available. IAP2 USA would be pleased to work with you to ensure that your staff gets top notch training at a reduced rate.
  • Connections: Connection to government public participation practitioners not only in the USA but from around the world.
  • Local Events: Involvement in local chapter events and more. Start a local chapter if there is not one in your area.
  • Recognition: Opportunity to apply for and potentially win one of IAP2 USA Core Values Awards and International awards.
  • Certification: Qualified staff can apply to become a certified practitioner.


Any government entity governed by a publicly elected body. (For example, cities, counties, regional authorities, school districts, publicly-owned utilities, state and federal agencies.) 

What people are saying...

“The City of Fort Lauderdale’s motto is ‘We Build Community.’ The City understands that effective community building requires active and thoughtful public participation. IAP2 gives our community leaders the resources and knowledge to reach our neighbors and build community in a comprehensive and inclusive manner.” – Ryan Henderson, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
"The City of Longmont is dedicated to genuine community involvement of our residents in their government. IAP2 gives our local facilitators wonderful resources, articles, training and a network to be able to reach out from our city into the rest of the world of public participation."
– Sandra Seader, Assistant City Manager, City of Longmont, Colorado

Join Today!

Joining is simple. Simply go to the Online Application for Government Agencies, and select the government membership level based on the total number of employees in the organization. After you pay by credit card or request an invoice, simply send us a list of employees who would like to be added to the membership directory and receive our monthly e-news. Then get ready and participate to learn how you can create healthier communities through enhanced civic engagement.

Show the Nation your community's support for Civic Engagement!

Mayor's across the country are taking the IAP2 USA's Core Values Pledge (Word doc, select cancel to download) by signing a proclamation promising their community will include residents in making decisions that affect them. If your community is interested in taking the Pledge, contact IAP2 USA staff at info@iap2usa.org.

You can join IAP2 USA without signing the Pledge. However, as an extra bonus for joining our grassroots coalition for enhanced public participation, your organization will receive a 10% discount on the first year of membership.

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