A Celebration of Excellence in Public Participation:
The IAP2 USA Core Values Awards

Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision making process.

...be recognized for your work in P2!

IAP2 Core Values Awards: Showcase 2015

What are the IAP2 Core Values Awards?

Each year, IAP2 affiliates around the world recognize leaders in the profession through the IAP2 Core Values Awards. The awards go to projects which best demonstrate IAP2's Core Values and help to raise the bar in the field of public engagement by sharing best practices and inspiring the P2 community to learn from one another. As a friendly competition, the Core Values Awards encourage new approaches and innovative uses of existing ones. The 2015 winning entries were recognized at the 2015 IAP2 North American Conference, September 9 through 11, in Portland, Oregon.

2015 IAP2 USA Core Values Award Winners

Organization of the Year
“Embracing Public Participation”
St. Vrain Valley School District

Read the application

What the judges said:

  • The fact that St. Vrain has remained committed to integrating effective public participation practices into the way they do business for eight years is astounding.
  • The policies that have been adopted and the full support of leadership, staff, and parents show public participation has become institutionalized and not dependent on specific people (like the Superintendent) to make it happen.
  • Your culture has changed.
  • Others are using St. Vrain as a model and your district is receiving national recognition across the public education industry.
  • Evident commitment to public participation training at all levels throughout the organization. A most significant impact of public participation at St. Vrain has been the marked increase in community trust for the district and its leadership.

Project of the Year
Powell Division Transit Development and Infrastructure Project
Oregon Metro with the Cities of Portland and Gresham

Read the application

What the judges said:

  • Your planners very carefully selected the techniques that were most appropriate for each audience and their specific concerns.
  • The conscious role of “equity” as a value was impressive, even courageous. The concept of fairness is often of paramount importance to a stakeholder, yet extremely difficult to define and measure. You did it very well.
  • The intentional use of the IAP2 Spectrum - tying it to the process from the beginning rather than an afterthought - was well done.
  • The Core Values were well integrated into the overall process and approach.
  • We recognize the level of effort that has gone into the involvement of the public throughout a long planning process. The next challenge, of course, is to continue their involvement during the much longer design and implementation phases. The fact that the Powell-Division is being seen as a model for several regional initiatives and community decision makers have agreed to continue their role through the design phase is further evidence of your success.

2015 IAP2 USA Core Values Award Judges

Dr. James L. Creighton has been in the public participation/ dispute resolution field since 1972 and involved in more than 300 public participation programs. Read more.

Mike Huggins (ICMA-CM) is a former city manager with more than 30 years leadership experience in local government and urban planning. Read more.

Lewis Michaelson is a past-president, life member, and licensed trainer for IAP2 and a member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Roster of Neutrals. Read more.

Joel Mills has worked for more than 20 years to strengthen civic capacity around the world. This work has helped millions of people participate in democratic processes, visioning efforts, and community planning initiatives. Read more.

Dr. Marty Rozelle has 35 years’ experience in public policy development, third-party facilitation, process design, and conflict resolution and has designed and/or facilitated more than 500 forums and citizen committees. Read more.

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