A Celebration of Excellence in Public Participation:
The IAP2 USA Core Values Awards

What are the IAP2 Core Values Awards?

Each year, IAP2 affiliates around the world recognize leaders in the profession through the IAP2 Core Values Awards. The awards go to projects which best demonstrate IAP2's Core Values and help to raise the bar in the field of public engagement by sharing best practices and inspiring the P2 community to learn from one another. 

As a friendly competition, the Core Values Awards encourage new approaches and innovative uses of existing ones. The 2017 winning entries were recognized at the 2017 IAP2 North American Conference, September 6th through 8th, in Denver, Colorado

Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision making process.

Congratulations 2018 Core Values Award Winners!

The 2018 IAP2 USA Core Values Awards were presented September 6th, 2018 at the Core Values Awards Gala at the Victoria Conference Center in Victoria, BC.

2018 IAP2 USA Core Values Award Winners

General Project of the Year & Project of the year
"Eastern Pennsylvania 10-County Pipeline Mitigation Initiative"


Read the application

What the judges said:

  • “There was an extra level of sensitivity to the community - not just a check the box - it was authentic and sincere.”
  • “ Hit on all core values. Working in 10 counties - take it slow, do it well, person by person, farm by farm. Different from other experiences - not a pipeline - it is how you treat people. Created a new standard for how to do this work. Liked commitment to restoration projects.”
  • "Really liked the context - how public has changed over time. Like to see metrics on outcomes - well done. You knew the influence on the outcome."
Project of the Year

Left to Right: Leah Jaramillo, IAP2 USA President; Chris Stockton, Williams; Jay Vincent, Outreach Experts.

Respect for Diversity, Inclusion & Culture Award

“Hearing from Everyone: A Multicultural Engagement Strategy to Support Long-Range Bus Plans”
JLA Public Involvement, TriMet, & Community Organizing Partners

Read the application

What the judges said:

  • “They identified the populations that they needed to hit - partnerships went beyond traditional partnerships - they got down to the culture - they tailored the process to meet the needs of the culture of the group that they were working with. Worked hard to create buy in and environment where people could contribute. They made different decisions based on the input they received.”
  • “It wasn’t cookie cutter. The cultural sensitivity was demonstrated in their approach - their work. This is so important. They identified that this was an area of weakness in their organization and they did something about it.”
JLA Public Involvement receives Respect for Diversity, Inclusion and Culture Award

Left to Right: Vanessa Vissar, TriMet; Jeanne Lawson, JLA Public Involvement; Leah Jaramillo, IAP2 USA President

2018 IAP2 USA Core Values Award Judges

Cheryl Hilvert

Lewis Michaelson

Lulu Feliciano

Marty Rozelle

Doug Sarno

Cheryl Hilvert is a management and leadership consultant providing education and technical assistance for local governments on key management strategies designed to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Read more.

Lewis Michaelson is a past-president, life member, and licensed trainer for IAP2 and a member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Roster of Neutrals. Read more.

Lulu Feliciano has worked for SFMTA for 9 years as an Outreach Manager and is a 2016 IAP2 USA Core Value Awards Winner. Read more.

Dr. Marty Rozelle has 35 years of experience in public policy development, third-party facilitation, process design, and conflict resolution. Read more.

Doug Sarno is a Master Certified Public Participation Professional (MCP3) and Licensed IAP2 trainer with over 30 years of experience in a wide range of disciplines that support participatory decision-making. Read more.

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