The Greater Good - Emerging Leader Award has been created in recognition of emerging leadership. This award is for people who are under 35 and/or have fewer than five years in the practice and are making a new impact on the public participation profession. The selection of the honorees is made by the IAP2 USA President, and awards are given at the IAP2 North American Conference. Nominations open June 18, 2024 and close July 31, 2024 Download a nomination packet.
2022 Greater Good - Emerging Leader Award Winner Nehama Rogozen is a strong believer in community engagement, grassroots organizing and effective communication. She has been working at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency for the past 3.5 years, first on the Muni Customer Service team, where she helped problem-solve issues of access for Muni customers, and now as a Public Relations Officer for the Public Outreach and Engagement Team (POETS). Much of Nehama’s work involves building trust with the public and listening deeply to understand and address their concerns. As part of the POETS team, Nehama has worked on major corridors, transit communications, parking and curb management, business outreach and construction mitigation, incorporating public participation principles into all of her work. Her work, resulted in citywide approaches and partnerships to support business communities through an economic justice lens and a public participation lens. Nehama has modeled ways in which IAP2 Core Values can and should be part of infrastructure projects throughout all stages of the project, and especially at the end of projects as IAP2 Core Value 7 emphasizes. | Nehama Rogozen Public Relations Officer at San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) |
Jensen Morgan Sr. Environmental Sustainability Specialist, City of Fort Collins, Colorado | 2021 Greater Good - Emerging Leader Award Winner Jensen is the Sr. environmental sustainability specialist for the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. While managing climate action and community engagement, Jensen has created public participation initiatives for a new planning process called Our Climate Future, the City’s first planning process to center climate work in equity, leading with race, while folding in historically underrepresented groups and technical expertise as it relates to data analytics, research and public outreach. Jensen has displayed a high level of passion, professionalism, and technical expertise for public participation and Jensen’s work will have a big impact on climate action across all scales: locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Jensen is truly an emerging leader. |
2020 Greater Good - Emerging Leader Award Winner
| Ryan Hanschen Engagement Specialist City of Boulder |
2019 Greater Good - Emerging Leader Award WinnerThe 2019 Greater Good / Emerging Leader Award was presented to Isis Lopez, lead of the Community Engagement Team with the Austin, Texas, Code Department. The Code Department is responsible for educating, collaborating and partnering with neighborhoods, local businesses, non-profits, and other City of Austin departments, and Isis incorporates IAP2’s Core Values into her daily work. Having taken the IAP2 Foundations training, she puts to work innovative and sustainable tools and solutions that will provide a lasting and positive impact. As the department’s only Language Access Coordinator, Isis has become a dedicated advocate and champion for diversity and inclusion. |