A Celebration of Excellence in Public Participation:
The IAP2 USA Core Values Awards

What are the IAP2 Core Values Awards?

Each year, IAP2 affiliates around the world recognize leaders in the profession through the IAP2 Core Values Awards. The awards go to projects which best demonstrate IAP2's Core Values and help to raise the bar in the field of public engagement by sharing best practices and inspiring the P2 community to learn from one another. 

As a friendly competition, the Core Values Awards encourage new approaches and innovative uses of existing ones. The 2017 winning entries were recognized at the 2017 IAP2 North American Conference, September 6th through 8th, in Denver, Colorado

Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision making process.

Congratulations 2017 Core Values Award Winners!

The 2017 IAP2 USA Core Values Awards were presented September 7th, 2017 at the Core Values Awards Gala at the History Colorado Center in Denver.

2017 IAP2 USA Core Values Award Winners

Organization of the Year
"POETS" - Public Outreach and Engagement Team Strategy
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency


Read the application

What the judges said:

  • “Public outrage was turned into public participation when leaders decided they could no longer do “business as usual” and must involve the public in a consistent manner across all projects ….”
  • “The principles of “requirements”, “resources”, and “recognition” provide great ways to ensure consistent public participation practices; staff at all levels have the skills to plan and implement projects; and appropriate recognition is provided and successes are celebrated.”
Organisation of the year

Left to Right: Candace Sue, SFMTA Director, Communications and Marketing; Deanna Desedas, Public Outreach and Engagement Manager

2017 Project of the Year &
Respect for Diversity, Inclusion & Culture Award

“From Skepticism to Engagement: One Community’s Journey”
Mental Health Center of Denver - The Dahlia Project

Read the application

What the judges said:

  • “This project has an inspirational quality the judges look for in Core Values Award winners. The fact that the techniques were carried out by non-practitioners points out that Core Values are basically human values that trade off of sincerity, humility and honest intent more than specialized processes.”
  • “Very obvious that they were listening and then they acted on what they heard.”
  • “very holistic and encompassing approach to building relationships with community … ‘listening sessions’ were a distinct tactic to gather and gain the trust of the community.”
Organisation of the year

Left to Right: Amanda Trosten-Bloom, Principal, Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change; Dr Carl Clark, CEO, Mental Health Center of Denver; Dr Lydia Prado, Vice-President, Child and Family Services, MCHD; Leah Jaramillo, IAP2 USA President

General Project of the Year
“Long-Range Transportation Plan”
Tennessee Department of Transportation in collaboration with RPM Transportation Consultants


Read the application

What the judges said:

  • “There was a clear problem definition; knew how public would be involved; drilled down to underserved populations.”
  • “... liked the scale, liked the trade-offs … concern they underplayed what they had done.”
Organisation of the year

Left to Right: Preston Elliott, RPM Transportation Consultants; Leah Jaramillo, IAP2 USA President

Creativity and Innovation Award
“Rural Climate Dialogue”
Jefferson Center and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Read the application

What the judges said:

  • “I liked the topic - would not have thought about it. They brought it alive - why it’s important.”
  • “... looking for examples of making a Citizen Jury work … good to see the impact: how counties used the information ….”

2017 IAP2 USA Core Values Award Judges

Cheryl Hilvert

Lewis Michaelson

Lulu Feliciano

Marty Rozelle

Doug Sarno

Cheryl Hilvert is a management and leadership consultant providing education and technical assistance for local governments on key management strategies designed to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Read more.

Lewis Michaelson is a past-president, life member, and licensed trainer for IAP2 and a member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Roster of Neutrals. Read more.

Lulu Feliciano has worked for SFMTA for 9 years as an Outreach Manager and is a 2016 IAP2 USA Core Value Awards Winner. Read more.

Dr. Marty Rozelle has 35 years of experience in public policy development, third-party facilitation, process design, and conflict resolution. Read more.

Doug Sarno is a Master Certified Public Participation Professional (MCP3) and Licensed IAP2 trainer with over 30 years of experience in a wide range of disciplines that support participatory decision-making. Read more.

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