IAP2 USA October 2022 Newsletter From the Executive Manager - Erin Zimmermann How do we welcome people? This theme has shown up in several places in the last month. During a recent IAP2 DEI Committee meeting, the chair opened the meeting with the icebreaker asking members to share an example of when they welcomed someone. Answers ranged from sitting beside a child while volunteering in a classroom, to onboarding a new employee/ team member, to really being present and listening to someone’s story. At a recent board meeting a member attended as a guest and was surprised to be included in the introductions as opposed to just listening in webinar format. As public participation professionals, much of the work begins and continues with a welcome. How do we help people feel included, involved, and seen? What does a welcoming mindset look like? How do you greet yourself in the morning? I continue to think about how IAP2 USA can build more thoughtful welcomes to our new members, chapters, and partners. We would love to hear from you. Share your welcoming ideas by emailing erin@iap2usa.org. For a quick break, consider checking out this TEDx on Hostmanship: the art of making people feel welcome. Erin Zimmermann, Executive Manager IAP2 USA Get Involved Volunteer and Engagement Opportunities with IAP2 USA The 2023 Call for Volunteers is now open. Take advantage of the opportunity to make a difference in the P2 community. Develop your leadership skills and grow your professional network by volunteering to serve on a committee. If you're interested in growing personally or professionally, we have a place for you! Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee builds IAP2’s organizational capacity to ensure that IAP2 is truly an inclusive organization and is safe, welcoming and supportive to a diverse population. Nominating Committee assists with the development of the Board of Directors slate for elections. Revenue Development Committee addresses new avenues of revenue generation and fundraising. Training and Professional Development Committee helps to identify training and other professional development opportunities to meet the needs of members and others in the field. Additional opportunities including micro-volunteering spots focusing on our communication efforts. If you are interested in social media, blogging, or writing newsletter articles contact Erin@iap2usa.org. Social media devotees and content creators are encouraged to volunteer. Grow your professional network and help expand your organization.
2023 IAP2 USA Training Request for Proposals Are you a trainer? Are you interested in becoming an IAP2 USA trainer? IAP2 USA is looking for individuals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience with others in the field. IAP2 USA is building its online training calendar and is currently accepting proposals for third party training. We have been fortunate to partner with exceptional trainers who share their skills and knowledge of public participation in meaningful ways. Consider joining us to help advance good public participation by enriching professional development and enhancing best practices. To learn more about submitting a proposal, please review our Frequently Asked Questions. Please consider submitting a proposal or sharing with others who may be interested. We request that proposals be submitted by December 9th.
Online P2: How to Design and Host Effective Digital Public Engagement
Trainer: Susanna Haas Lyons, M.A.
November 29, December 2, 6, & 9
12:00 - 3:45 pm Eastern
Digital tools are essential for public participation in the age of COVID-19. This hands-on course will teach you to create online engagement campaigns that gather input creatively, enable collaborative online interactions, and sustain participation over time. We'll identify barriers to participation and examine strategies to build equity and inclusion online. Learn best practices for facilitating online meetings. Bring your questions and lessons learned, so we can learn from one another's engagement innovations during this global pandemic. Join by computer if possible (rather than tablet), as this course gives you an opportunity to experience both the convenor and participant sides of online participation.
Participants completing this course can:
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November Free Content Available to Members AND Non-Members
Public engagement and communications are two areas within local government that are often conflated and seen as one and the same. However, while some elements of public engagement include communications, not all communication efforts are public engagement. The Davenport Institute has partnered with CitizenLab to explore how public engagement and communications are both different and equally important.
This webinar will be a conversation between our very own Maureen Tobin and Pooja Di Giovanna and Ben Gordon and Amanda Rotella from Citizenlab on the ins and outs of public engagement and communications. We invite you to join our conversation to learn more about public engagement and communications, and share your experiences. Registration is free, and all are welcome!
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How can digital and hybrid approaches support engagement when participants are polarized? We have all learned that power, privilege, and the inability to understand one another’s perspectives are key challenges for engagement today.
Risk-averse organizations might turn away from public engagement for fear of contentious online discourse, or lean into highly controlled digital strategies with flat surveys and limited conversation spaces; but many are leaning into the challenge to build digital and hybrid engagement spaces that are dynamic, equity-minded, welcoming, and creative.
Hear from experienced digital engagement practitioners about strategies and tools for bringing diverse voices into conversations and offering opportunities for consensus, while supporting safer/welcoming spaces for a divided public.
Thanks to 76 Engage and The HiVE, this webinar is free for all.
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