February/March 2022 Newsletter

From the Executive Manager - Erin Zimmermann

Public participation is so central to democracy that often times the weight of current events and global conflict feels even heavier for engagement professionals. The last two years have been a reflection of this. 2022 continues to show more examples with the latest being the escalating invasion of Ukraine. There is just so much. It can be overwhelming and deflating. 

Our work is hard and getting even harder. I don’t know the right words to write to offer comfort, but I hope you all are taking care of yourselves, your colleagues, and your communities. This work matters. You matter.

As an association, we are always looking for ways to support our members. In this newsletter, you will find a wide variety of professional development opportunities. From networking opportunities like the Career Fair hosted by the Intermountain Chapter, to our robust Online Training offerings, we hope you can find some opportunities to ignite you and give you energy. For the seasoned professional, I encourage you to check out our Professional Certification Program. 

And as always, please reach out to myself or one of our fantastic committees. We would love to hear what you think, what you need, and how the IAP2 USA community can continue to spread good public participation. 

With Gratitude,

Certified Public Participation Professional, CP3 -  Deadline March 4

Certification as a Public Participation professional acknowledges your adherence to a strict set of standards recognized around the world for delivering quality, meaningful public participation. It is the premier credential for public participation professionals. 

An Assessment Center is now scheduled for June 10-11, 2022 with an application deadline of March 4, 2022. 

More Details

IAP2 Intermountain Chapter - Career Fair

The Intermountain Chapter of the International Association for Public Participation is proud to announce that we will host our Spring 2022 Round of Online Career Fairs on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 and Wednesday, April 13, 2022 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The Online Career Fairs will provide an opportunity for employers throughout our geographic area (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada) to share information about their organizations and upcoming employment opportunities with job seekers and current college students.



2022 Skills Symposium Goes Virtual - 10 ALL NEW Online Courses

We had hoped to make the 2022 Skills Symposium our first in-person event since the pandemic began, but that honor will go to our 2022 North American Conference.

In the meantime we are excited to announce our list of all new Online Learning opportunities.

Crisis Communications and Cancel Culture: Essentials for Moving Forward

April 11 & 13   1 - 4 pm Eastern


Public Deliberation Techniques

April 25 & 26   12 - 3:30 pm Eastern


Hosting Effective Hybrid Public Engagement Events

April 28   12 - 2 pm Eastern


Design Engaging Virtual Workshops and Events

May 4   12 - 4 pm Eastern


Workshops, Surveys, and Tools-Oh My! (Choosing the Right P2 Tools)

June 1   12 - 3:30 pm Eastern


Techniques for High Emotion & Controversy in P2 Workshop

April 19  12 - 3 pm Eastern


Designing Effective Hybrid Public Engagement Events

April 27   12 - 3 pm Eastern


Stakeholder Mapping: Identifying and Analyzing Underrepresented Stakeholders

April 29   11 am - 3:30 pm Eastern


Techniques for Brainstorming & Idea Generation Workshop

May 18   1 - 3 pm Eastern


Hybrid How To: Design Engaging Hybrid Workshops and Events

June 8   12 - 2 pm Eastern


Submit your proposal for the 2022 IAP2 North American Conference in Banff

Together again, at last! After more than two years of “settling” for online events, the 2022 IAP2 North American Conference (Sept. 14 - 16 in Banff) will finally be an in-person, face-to-face get-together!

And that means that if you have delivered innovative engagement that can inspire, challenge, or explore new methods, tools, best practices and practical approaches, you’ll be able to do so live, in person, with those colleagues in the same room!

The time is NOW to APPLY to submit a proposal  for a conference session, workshop or poster presentation. Our Call for Proposals is open to ALL (members and non-members).

To give you more time, we’ve extended the deadline: you now have until Monday, March 7, 2022.

Being together again gives this year’s Conference theme even more meaning: “Connecting with Purpose” is about connecting with the P2 community; connecting to achieve diverse representation; connecting with Indigenous ways of knowing; connecting through differences; connecting through the screen.  

NOTE: this year’s Conference will be both in-person and Virtual Lite, with some of the presentations live-streamed to those who prefer not to travel at that time. Let the committee know if your session would be suitable for hybrid delivery.

If you have any questions, please contact info@iap2canada.ca

Submit your proposal by 3/7

March Webinar

March 8 Learning Webinar 2021 IAP2 CORE VALUES AWARD-WINNERS

With the application period for the 2022 IAP2 Core Values Awards just around the corner, here’s a chance to learn how some of last year’s winners did it! How did their projects align with the IAP2 Core Values? How do their organizations include P2 in their planning? What did they learn and what techniques did they employ that you can put to work in your own practice? Come and hear from:

Julie Potter & Simon Pek, University of Victoria, winners of the IAP2 Canada award for Creativity, Contribution and Innovation in the Field for “Students’ Dialogue Democratic Engagement”. Watch their video from the 2021 Core Values Awards celebration here.

Mariana Maguire, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, which received Honourable Mention from IAP2 USA for Creativity and Innovation for engaging the public on transit route adjustments during the COVID pandemic.

Emina Dervisevic, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCH), winner of the IAP2 Canada award for Respect for Diversity, Inclusion and Culture, for “VCH Translation Engagement”. Watch their video here.

Are you working on or have you been part of an award-worthy project? Find out more about the IAP2 Core Values Awards here, and watch for the announcement of the next application period.


Webinar Recordings -  Available free to Members On-Demand

All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into iap2usa.org. Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.

February 8 - (Learning Webinar) NAC Encore - What Can I Do About the Deepening Political Divide?

In this reprise of one of the more popular sessions at the 2021 IAP2 North American Conference. Sheila Shockey sets the stage and deepens participants understanding of why the divide is deepening

Political division in America has not been this deep since the Reformation following the Civil War. What can we do? We live in a world where there is no shortage of divisive and intractable issues facing society. We are divided by polarized politics that hamper our ability to find common ground on the way forward. This polarization creates an uncivil atmosphere where it seems that we can no longer have open and frank conversations. We just head to our respective corners. Most of these contentious issues that divide our society are critical to our futures. What can we do as neutral facilitators to effectively move people toward healing? 

If our current courses don't meet your needs please fill out this quick survey so we can help you become the P2 practitioner your community needs.

Member Spotlight

If your organization  had any recent P2 successes or thought of creative solutions we want to hear about it! Please contact info@iap2usa.org to be featured on our website or newsletter.

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All rights reserved.