IAP2 USA December 2023 News

From the Executive Manager  Erin Zimmermann


As we approach the end of another remarkable year, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has contributed to the success of our association. Your dedication, passion, and tireless efforts have truly made a difference and have helped us achieve great milestones together.

Celebrating Our Volunteers:

A special thank you goes out to our incredible volunteers, the heartbeat of our association. Your selflessness and commitment have played a pivotal role in shaping our events, programs, and chapter engagement. Whether you dedicated your time to organizing events, serving on a committee, or contributing your expertise to various projects, your impact has been invaluable. The success we've achieved this year is a testament to the strength of our collective efforts.

Reflecting on 2023:

Looking back on the past year, we can be proud of what we've accomplished together. From successful events like our North American Conference to impactful initiatives that made a positive difference, we have much to celebrate. Your enthusiasm and support have been instrumental in fostering a vibrant and inclusive association that continues to grow.

Opportunities for the Year Ahead:

As we turn our gaze towards the future, there are exciting opportunities on the horizon. In the coming year, we aim to build on our successes and explore new avenues for growth and engagement. Here are a few highlights of what you can look forward to:

  • Expanded Educational Initiatives: We plan to enhance our educational programs to provide even more valuable resources and learning opportunities for our members.Make sure to check out our Training calendar for upcoming courses.

  • Networking Events: We'll be organizing more networking events to facilitate connections among members, fostering collaboration and professional development. This includes launching a new Young Professionals Networking Group. 

  • Enhanced Member Engagement: We're exploring new ways to engage with our members. We want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to fill out our Member Survey. 

Get Involved:

We invite each of you to actively participate and contribute your ideas, skills, and enthusiasm. Whether you're interested in volunteering, sharing your expertise, or suggesting new initiatives, your involvement is what makes our association thrive.

In closing, thank you once again for your unwavering support and commitment. Together, we have created a vibrant and supportive community that continues to evolve and grow. As we embark on a new year filled with possibilities, let's embrace the opportunities ahead and work together to make 2024 another year of success and fulfillment.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Warm regards,

Erin Zimmermann

Executive Manager


2024 Call for Volunteers Get involved by 12/31/2023

2024 Call for Volunteers Get involved by 12/31/2023

Looking for ways to further your career, get up on the latest trends, enhance your network, create professional relationships, or give back to your P2 community? We encourage you to explore the many avenues available to connect with your IAP2 USA and your colleagues. Committee direction and initiatives are approved by the Board as they assist the Board in moving forward the organization’s work.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee builds IAP2’s organizational capacity to ensure that IAP2 is truly an inclusive organization and is safe, welcoming and supportive to a diverse population. 

Nominating Committee assists with the development of the Board of Directors slate for elections. 

Training and Professional Development Committee helps to identify training and other professional development opportunities to meet the needs of members and others in the field. 

Chapter Liaisons enhance and support the relationship between the region and chapters. Sign up below, contact your chapter president or IAP2 USA Programs and Communications Manager Angela@iap2usa.org if you do not have a chapter. 

Chapter Taskforce is an upcoming taskforce to help us streamline the IAP2 USA Chapter program.  

Certification Task Force/Committee assists with the development and management of the Certification program. To get involved sign up below or contact IAP2 USA Programs and Communications Manager Angela@iap2usa.org.

Additional opportunities including micro-volunteering spots focusing on our communication efforts. If you are interested in social media, blogging, or writing newsletter articles contact IAP2 USA Executive Director, erin@iap2usa.org. Social media devotees and content creators are encouraged to volunteer.

Sign Up by 12/31/2023

2024 Board Members Welcome New Member

IAP2 USA is pleased to welcome Nelvis Alvarez to the board of directors. Alvarez was appointed by the board at their November meeting. Welcome back Jay Anderson who was also appointed to serve a full three-year term. IAP2 USA Board members are scheduled to elect their new executive team at the January 18, 2024 Board meeting. Please join us in welcoming your outstanding leadership team.

2024 Board Members

Announcing a New Opportunity: IAP2 USA Young Professionals Group

A New Opportunity: IAP2 USA Young Professionals Group

As IAP2 membership grows and diversifies, we recognize the need to provide more networking and relationship building opportunities for young professionals across community engagement sectors and geographic regions. To support this upcoming generation, IAP2 USA is excited to announce the creation of a young professionals group. A young professional is anyone who either identifies as someone in the early stage of their public participation career or is under the age of 35 years old. Anyone who self identifies as a young professional based on this definition is welcome. 

This group will host virtual networking events, hold webinars with guest speakers and discussion groups, and host an in-person event at annual North American Conferences. These gatherings will offer community and support for participants and be a great way to empower the young professionals in public participation. 

We invite all young professionals to join us by signing up on our interest form. Updates and future events will be announced soon.

Sign up here

2024 Professional Certification 2024 Dates Announced

We have chosen dates for the 2024 Certification Assessment Centers

April 26 & 27 - Application & Fee Due January 5

August 23 & 24 - Application & Fee Due May 3

December 6 & 7 - Application & Fee Due September 6

Here is an outline of the Certification Process, but the full details can be found here

***Prerequisite: Completion of all three IAP2 flagship courses and receipt of the IAP2 Global Certificate of Completion in Public Participation. ***

  • Step One – Submission of the CP3 Application, professional portfolio, and application fee by the appropriate deadline for your chosen assessment center. 
  • Step Two – After your application is reviewed and accepted you will need to complete a Public Participation Plan in response to a case study
  • Step Three – After your case study assignment is reviewed and accepted you will need to prepare for and participate in an Assessment Center. (This is a full two-day process and attendance is mandatory)

  Review the 2024 Information Kit and  Frequently Asked Questions document
►  Review the Core Competencies - evaluation is based on meeting these 5 criteria
►  Download and review the CP3 Application

►  To learn more about the process, watch the Professional Certification Informational Webinar

2024 IAP2 North American Conference: Location Announced

Discover Ottawa: Your Host City for the 2024 IAP2 North American Conference!

More information

Discover Ottawa: Your Host City for the 2024 IAP2 North American Conference!

More information

Webinar Recordings - Available to Members Free On Demand

Our 2024 schedule of upcoming webinars will be available soon.

For the current schedule of upcoming webinars, trainings and other events, please visit our Events Calendar.

All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into iap2usa.org. Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.

If our current courses don't meet your needs please fill out this quick survey so we can help you become the P2 practitioner your community needs.

Member/Project Spotlight

If your organization has had any recent P2 successes or thought of creative solutions we want to hear about it! Please contact info@iap2usa.org to be featured on our website or newsletter.

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All rights reserved.