2018 SKILLS SYMPOSIUM: Techniques For Effective Public Participation

  • March 01, 2018
  • March 02, 2018
  • Commons Learning Center, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg 137, Austin, TX 78758
  • 9


  • For members of AICP registering on or before December 31, 2017.

Registration is closed

Once you have completed the planning course, you are ready to add dozens of practical tools and methodologies to your public participation toolkit—powerful techniques you can put to immediate use in your next project. This module breaks down specific methods, exploring not only what each is, but how and when to use it – the strengths, weaknesses and needed resources. The course combines discussion, presentation, exercises and practice using varying techniques to give you a full understanding of the range of techniques and how to choose, modify and evaluate techniques for the most effective public participation.

PLEASE NOTE: International IAP2 members require a code to register. Please contact info@iap2.org to obtain it.

Cancellation and Substitution policy

Learning Objectives

At the end of this two-day course, participants will:

  • Understand key characteristics of a wide variety of traditional and emerging techniques and technologies
  • Assess and select techniques to meet identified public participation objectives
  • Modify and combine techniques to meet various objectives and circumstances
  • Determine the skills and resources needed to use different techniques effectively

Course Overview

  • Overview of course objectives
  • Trying a technique right out of the gate using World Café
  • Quick Review of the Foundations of Public Participation
  • A survey of techniques
    • Techniques for Sharing Information
    • 5 Techniques for Collecting and Compiling Information
    • 20+ Techniques for Bringing People Together
  • Advisory committees in depth, how to do them better
  • Matching techniques to the objectives of a public participation plan
  • Selecting techniques
  • Modifying when challenges arise.
  • Evaluating techniques

Trainer: Wendy Lowe

WendyLoweWendy Lowe is a course developer for the IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation and an original Master Trainer for IAP2. She was formerly on the International Board of Directors for IAP2 and oversaw the international training program for the organization for four years. She has over 25 years of designing and implementing public participation programs for federal, state, and local governments for large and small projects. She specializes in facilitating collaborative processes for controversial public policy issues. She is also a roster member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution and a Certified Professional Facilitator.

#Schedule at a Glance   

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