IAP2 USA - 2023 Member Survey Results Are In
Once again, an IAP2 USA member survey was distributed to all members. Thank you to the many members who took the time to share their insights with us. Your participation helps make IAP2 USA better for members, IAP2 practitioners and their communities. The information provided is extremely valuable and will help drive our decision making.
First of all, we are thrilled to report that our overall member ratings are very good with 75% reporting satisfied or very satisfied with their IAP2 USA membership.
Here are some highlights of the survey analysis.
The majority - 73% of respondents - work in the public sector with 18% employed in the private sector and 8% self-employed.
Age breakdown shows a majority in the 35-44 age range with 25% in the 55-54 age range followed by 16% at 45-54 and 2.27% at 18-24.
While mid-career stands out, these statistics also indicate that we have a wide distribution of membership and a clear opportunity to increase membership among our youngest practitioners. It also highlights where our training can best be utilized by including more advanced educational opportunities
Another important statistic shows a wide range in the length of time within the P2 field with more than half respondents at 10 years’ experience or greater. Further analysis of these numbers can help drive our membership and training strategies as we unpack the needs of each of these sectors.
Q6 How long have you been in the public participation field?
Less than one year 5.68%
2 to 5 years 19.32%
6 to 10 years 19.32%
55.68% More than 10 years
Training Preferences:
Training and professional development are very important to members and virtual is the clear choice followed by in person with hybrid coming in last. Additionally virtual events are the most sought after by those who have been in their careers 10 years and longer.
What methods do you prefer to take part in our professional development opportunities?
85.23% Virtual
60.23% In-person
30.68% Hybrid
3.41 % Other
Member Benefits:
On a ranking of member benefits, free webinars are the clear winner when it comes to member value. With the exception of volunteering, all categories including community and networking, continuing education, conferences, and virtual experiences came in as “high value” to members.
On further analysis we found those 6 to 10 years into their P2 career most value community and networking opportunities, conferences, and volunteer experiences. The newest folks are looking for community and networking, education, and free webinars with less interest in the volunteer experience. Those established in careers with 10 plus years under their belt find virtual events, continuing education, and certifications are of most importance.
Skills Needed for the Future:
Questions about the future give us insight into what our members need to deliver the best P2 to their communities. Trauma informed facilitations and AI are emerging as trending topics. Tips for engaging with rural and small audiences and working within a small budget once again are evident as a need. Additionally, conflict resolution, among peers, organizations, and community members, was a common topic. More skills/tools/resources to better connect with the public, specifically for how to reach and connect with niche groups who are not online was noted as well.
Both staff and the IAP2 USA training and professional development committee will review these suggestions for implementing new and expanded training.
Change Needed:
When asked what you would change about IAP2 USA or in what other ways we can provide value to you or your organization, members responded with thoughtful and constructive suggestions. Many centered on how to establish more connections with other P2 professionals through chapters, mentoring, and expanded training. The overall tone of the comments was nicely summed up by the following response.
“Make it easier for people to find a wide variety of training and volunteer opportunities within the organization. More intentionally support local and regional connections, networking, and other opportunities, especially where there is no chapter.”
IAP2 USA leadership can consider some of these suggestions as they make strategic decisions regarding the application of resources-financial and staff-in their budgeting and strategic planning.
Thank you for your membership and participation. Do not hesitate to contact IAP2 staff or leadership with questions or suggestions at info@iap2usa.org