IAP2 USA Board of Directors March 9, 2020 Meeting Highlights

Congratulations to our newly elected IAP2 USA Executive Committee. As well as our new President, Gwen Happ, Heather Imboden is the new Vice President, Lisa Carlson is Treasurer, Michael Bailey is Secretary, and Cathy Smith is Immediate Past President. They were elected at the March 8, 2020 board meeting in Sacramento and will serve one-year terms.

This year’s face to face board meeting offered a new challenge as the board monitored and discussed the ongoing coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. They continually reviewed information directly from state and local health departments as they worked to determine the best course of action for the March symposium being held in Sacramento. Following health officials’ guidelines and incorporating added precautions, the symposium continued through Thursday when it was determined that continuation of the program was not in the best interest of all concerned. Thank you to our instructors and attendees for your support and confidence as we assessed the situation day by day and sometimes hour by hour. The board decided to adapt our in-person training into online courses so that IAP2 can continue to help our P2 community stay informed and equipped for the future.

Incorporating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in both training and IAP2 USA’s upcoming strategic plan was an important part of the two-day board meeting. The board heard from the DEI experts at Gemini Group. A nearly four-hour presentation kicked off the board’s commitment to better incorporate DEI in IAP2 material and IAP2 USA participation and leadership. It provided the board with the skills to begin looking through an Equity Lens which is a critical thinking exercise to help cultivate and maintain an equity mindset. It is the umbrella under which a Racial Equity Tool is devised and used. This will be a fundamental component of the 2021-2021 IAP2 USA strategic plan development.

Board leadership development, budget review, IAP2 training and the International training Harmonisation project rounded out the weekend agenda.

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