Understanding Conflict for Public Participation - Hosted by IAP2 USA

  • February 18, 2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • February 19, 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • Online
  • 21


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IAP2 Understanding Conflict in Public Participation

**You must first complete Fundamentals of Public Participation or the previous Foundations Training to take this course**

The aim of Understanding Conflict in P2/engagement is to help you understand, and more effectively manage, conflict dynamics. The focus of this Level 1 course will be on developing the skills of participants to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within their P2/engagement work.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the sources, types and factors that contribute to conflict in P2/engagement and the impact they may have on the process

  • Understand the role of power and influence in engagement practice

  • Understand and identify the cycle of escalation, and the behaviors, attitudes and actions that are evident as conflict increases

  • Contribute to and/or apply strategies to de-escalate challenging situations

  • Identify how to build effective relationships and partnerships through empathy, active listening, respect and trust

  • Learn approaches to work in challenging situations applying behaviors that build trust and credibility

  • Consider the role of integrity and ethics in the conduct of the P2/engagement practitioner, and how that is upheld in the process

    Professional Certification/Credits

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