Fundamentals of Public Participation - Hosted by IAP2 USA

  • July 09, 2025
  • July 10, 2025
  • 2 sessions
  • July 09, 2025, 1:00 PM 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • July 10, 2025, 1:00 PM 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • Online with Trainer Doug Zenn
  • 21


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 Fundamentals of Public Participation

The Fundamentals of Public Participation (P2) course is a prerequisite to other courses in the Global Learning Pathway that sets out the underpinning models and frameworks of engagement practice as defined by the IAP2 community.

The focus of this course is on understanding and applying the practices of meaningful and effective P2 and what participants need to know to do this well. The training explores best practices, and how to design and apply this knowledge to your P2.

Course objectives

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Define P2 and related terms and what makes it unique
  • Identify what makes P2 meaningful, and reflect on the benefits, risks and myths related to P2
  • Identify the role that values play in P2 work, and the leadership attributes that will serve them in practice 
  • Reflect on and apply ethical leadership actions and abilities to P2 situations
  • Apply the Profiles of P2 model to P2, and explore organization- and community-led engagement and how that impacts the engagement process
  • Reflect on and apply the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, and explore the roles and impacts of power and influence
  • Apply the IAP2 Spectrum to P2 situations and practice
  • Explore the Practice Framework as a tool for effective planning and process, and assess the quality of the process

Professional Certification/Credits

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Doug Zenn has 30 years of experience in the communications field and has developed and managed community involvement, awareness, and education efforts around numerous issues including visioning, transportation, water resources, community-based planning and more. Doug has led ZennAssociates’ development of the innovative “Three-Dimensional Public Participation” model (3DP2) an approach that expands community access to project information and provides unique avenues for community input including the use of new technologies. Doug also serves on the executive committee for IAP2’s Cascade Chapter (Oregon and Southwest Washington) and is a certified trainer for IAP2’s public involvement foundations courses. Doug Zenn has 30 years of experience in the communications field and has developed and managed community involvement.

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