IAP2 Applying Methods for P2

  • August 14, 2023
  • August 17, 2023
  • 4 sessions
  • August 14, 2023, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • August 15, 2023, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • August 16, 2023, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • August 17, 2023, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • Online
  • 20

IAP2 Applying Methods for P2

IAP2’s Applying Methods introduces practitioners to a large number of public engagement methods, working through the selection, design, question development and implementation considerations for how we bring people together in person and online. Learning by doing, practicing, experiencing and leading methods is core to this participatory course that gives participants access to tip sheets and ‘how to’ info for more than 75 methods.

By the end of the course participants will be able to:

        Identify a range of methods which can be used for various P2/engagement purposes and processes, and strategies to select the most appropriate method/s for an P2/engagement project/ process

        Research, design and test a F2F and/or online method using a range of tools and resources.

        Apply the four steps of designing a method incorporating the eight key components of method design:

        Develop rational and experiential aims

        Design an appropriate format

        Design questions and process

        Develop appropriate communications

        Combine methods to achieve P2/engagement goals and objectives and test for appropriate sequencing

        Incorporate inclusion and diversity principles

        Identify data management needs, evaluation points and measures

        Identify resources required

        Explore a variety of both F2F and online methods/techniques that are more structured process and have nested methods within them (E.g., Deliberative processes, Appreciative Inquiry and Open Space Technology)

        Analyze the specific requirements for online and digital methods, identify and select appropriate platforms and tools to meet needs, and strategies to develop these methods for delivery

        Identify principles for monitoring online activity

        Test the design by running elements of the method and submitting to peer review using a checklist

        Apply methods to achieve P2/engagement goals and objectives including using effective communication skills, and test for appropriate sequencing

        Design key messages and communication tools that build trust and integrity, and meet the needs of diverse audiences

August 14, 15, 16 & 17

Four 4 hour sessions

12-4 pm Eastern Time (including breaks and tech check).

Participants will collaborate and work together using Zoom, Jam board, Miro and through an online learning management system.

To register: https://stephani-roy-mccallum.mykajabi.com/offers/M8kziwdF/checkout


Trainers -- Steph Roy McCallum and Kimberly Horndeski

Steph Roy McCallum, CPF, CNTC

Steph Roy McCallum is a facilitator, coach, trainer and leader of the most difficult conversations of our lives, and the Chief Storm Rider at the Courageous Leadership Project. She is author of the recently released book Leading Together: How Brave, Honest Conversations Can Transform Our Lives, Organizations and Communities (available November 17, 2022). With her heart on her sleeve and a deep breath for courage, she wades into the messy, important, beautiful conversations that can bring us together - or tear us apart. Her work  in conflict transformation has taken her to 5 continents, leading brave, honest conversations to solve the challenges in our lives, organizations and communities – together. Steph is a trained Co-Active Leadership coach, a Certified Professional Facilitator and a Certified NeuroTransformational Coach She is an IAP2 Trainer, course developer and co-lead of curriculum development for the new IAP2 Global Learning Pathway being launched in 2023. Steph believes that brave, honest conversations are how we solve the challenges in our world, together. 

Kimberly Horndeski

Kimberly Horndeski is a certified mediator, facilitator, and the Executive Director of Community Consulting LLC. Her work focuses on transforming conflict into successful strategies for the future. She has facilitated multiple state, national, and international working groups to overcome challenges and reach agreement. Her projects include bottom-up approaches, such as establishing a coalition with fundamentally conflicting interests to collaboratively negotiate agreement on a $2.5 billion dollar component of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, and top-down approaches, such as assisting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to incorporate nationwide stakeholder values into the decision-making process for federally-listed threatened and endangered species. Kimberly knows it is not information alone that produces positive outcomes or reduces conflict. It is the ability to engage key stakeholders and effectively design, plan, and implement an engagement process that results in creative and lasting solutions for the future.

Currently, Kimberly serves on the USA Board of the International Association of Public Participation, the Leadership Council for the Association for Conflict Resolution’s Environment and Public Policy Section, and is a Professor of Practice on collaboration and communication for Virginia Tech University.

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