About the authors/presenters:
Stéphanie Yates, Ph.D. (Montréal, Quebec)
Stéphanie Yates is a professor in the Department of Social and Public Communication at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and a member of the Political Communication Research Group at Université Laval. A political scientist by training (Ph.D. Laval University 2010), she studies the role of citizens and interest groups in the governance of states and corporations. In this perspective, she focuses on the media strategies of public and private actors concerning lobbying, public participation, social acceptability and the social responsibility of organizations. She is also interested in environmental communication. She has published numerous articles and chapters in communication, political science, and management publications using an interdisciplinary approach. She is also the editor of the book Introduction aux relations publiques. Fondements, enjeux et pratiques (Introduction to Public Relations: Foundations, Challenges and Practices), published by Presses de l’Université du Québec in 2018.
Hugo Mimee, CP3, urb, M.ATDR (Montréal, Quebec)
Hugo Mimee has over 20 years of professional experience in public and citizen participation, facilitation, social acceptability and stakeholder management. Hugo brings people to collaborate in different projects (urban planning, environment, transportation, energy). He has facilitated hundreds of public meetings of all kinds for Hydro-Québec as well as a consultant. He is a trainer in public participation, social acceptability and stakeholder management. He is a former member of the IAP2 Canada Board of Directors.
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