Using Systems Thinking to Create Transformational Engagement Strategies
The impacts of a global pandemic, growing environmental awareness, and calls for equality and justice surround us. As engagement professionals it has become critical that we think not only about our individual projects, but about how they fit within and influence the social and global settings that surround them.
In this Taster Series course, which is derived from a longer course, we’ll explore Systems Thinking: a way of looking at engagement that can help us see the bigger pictures we’re working within, and perhaps, even more importantly, contribute to the positive changes we see happening around us. Receive practical tips for applying this way of thinking to your engagement strategies and explore how thinking ‘outside the scope’ might just be your key to creating truly transformational engagement projects.
In this Taster you’ll learn:
How the way we think about our engagement projects constrains or enables their success
Four key concepts you can use to understand how your engagement projects fit within wider social and global contexts
Five practical tips to help you think ‘outside the scope’ while staying focused on the project at hand
Your trainer:
Carrie McIntosh is the Manager of Engagement at BC Ferries, one of the world’s largest ferry service providers. Carrie engages communities up and down the coast of British Columbia from communities as remote as Haida Gwaii to those in the bustling Metro Vancouver region. She holds an MA in Environment and Management, and has over 15 years of experience as a facilitator, communicator, and engagement specialist. She is passionate about building inclusive, place-based engagement approaches for the unique coastal communities she serves.
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