IAP2 Learning Webinar - NAC Encore: "Appreciative Inquiry - Empowering Communities through Collaborative Infrastructure Design"

  • April 13, 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Online - Zoom


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Have you used Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in your practice? This collaborative approach to design and decision-making can bring benefits to both a community and a large organization. In this reprise of a popular session from the 2020 IAP2 North American Virtual Conference, Carrie McIntosh of the BC Ferry Corporation and Darcy Vermeulen of Argyle (formerly Context) will discuss how AI was used in the planning of a new ferry terminal in Horseshoe Bay, BC.

At the heart of a small village, the terminal is a vital community asset and plays an oversized role in the lives of locals and travelers alike. To create a plan that would guide the future development of  the terminal, BC Ferries and Argyle partnered on the design of an appreciative inquiry engagement program that empowered communities to co-create the guiding design principles, and the look and feel for a new terminal building.

Learn how to run your own appreciative inquiry process and empower the public through strategic co-creation. Increasingly infrastructure design is an expert-driven process, yet publics have vital contributions to make. Hear about how our project team approached this challenge and how you can too.  

In this session, you'll learn how to use AI principles in engagement processes and how to involve the public meaningfully in complex processes like infrastructure design.

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