SPECIAL WEBINAR: "Starting Your Career in P2"

  • September 22, 2020
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Online


Registration is closed

Public participation (P2) is about sharing influence in decision making. Strong P2 processes enable communities who are impacted by decisions to influence those decisions. P2 is practiced in a wide range of fields, including urban planning, education, energy, policy, social services, politics, and more, with practitioners part of the public, non-profit, and private sectors.

With such a diverse landscape, P2 can be a whirlwind of a field to enter. This webinar will give new and up and coming practitioners great insights, reflections, and advice from practitioners who have a diverse range of experiences in public participation. Please share this save-the-date with the new practitioners and students you know! This is an initiative of IAP2 Canada's Youth Engagement Network.

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