IAP2 TASTER - Mission Impossible: Building Trust in the Public Arena

  • December 02, 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • online
  • 164


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Today’s public arena is fraught with chaos, conflict and uncertainty and outrage is our new norm.  Public trust in government, private corporations and the media are at an all-time low. In this environment how do we work with stakeholders and community to start to build fragile trust? What is required from us? What actions can we take? How might we need to adjust or change our engagement practice?

You will explore the new arena we are working in, discover the elements required to build trust, and explore some tangible, practical steps you can take to adapt your practice.

In this Taster, you'll learn:

  • how to identify when trust is low and the markers of distrust

  • 7 core elements of trust building in the public arena

  • how to evaluate your own approach to building trust and identify areas of growth

  • and come away with 3 tangible tips to practice

Your Trainer

Stephani Roy McCallum is the Chief Storm Rider at the Courageous Leadership Project where she steps into the storm of high emotion and conflict, and helps people ride it out to clearer skies. Steph is a Leadership Coach, Certified Professional Facilitator and a seasoned engagement leader specializing in conflict, high emotion and controversy. She has facilitated conversations on 5 continents, engaging people in dialogue on controversial projects, working with individuals, organizations and communities to transform conflict and create momentum for positive change. Stephani believes that the world needs a new kind of leader who shows up, takes a stand and changes the world for the better. Steph believes that brave, honest conversations are how we solve the problems we face in our lives, organizations and communities – together.

IAP2 Tasters are 45-minute "test drives" of training courses, offered free and exclusively for IAP2 members.

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