2020 SKILLS SYMPOSIUM: Evaluating and Measuring Public Participation

  • March 11, 2020
  • March 12, 2020
  • Hilton Sacramento Arden West - 2200 Harvard St, Sacramento, CA 95815
  • 4


Evaluation should always be useful, and this introductory course will cover theories and practical strategies to help you evaluate your public participation efforts. In this hands-on course, you will apply foundational tools like logic models, examine the differences between process and impact evaluation, and review the components of an evaluation plan. You will craft evaluation questions, and identify indicators and sources of information to help you answer those questions. Above all, you will learn how to employ evaluative thinking as a learning strategy, in order to strengthen your work and achieve greater impact.

Course Agenda

PLEASE NOTE: International IAP2 members require a code to register. Please contact events@iap2usa.org to obtain it.

Cancellation and Substitution policy

Learning Objectives

At the end of this two-day course, participants will:
  • Describe the principle of utilization-focused evaluation and its importance
  • Determine the most appropriate type(s) of evaluation for a P2 project
  • Populate a logic model and use it to structure an evaluation plan
  • Specify indicators and sources of data to help measure P2 objectives
  • Craft evaluation questions
  • Apply best practices in survey question writing
  • Determine appropriate uses of participatory evaluation
  • Identify the challenges to evaluation

Trainer: Susanna Haas Lyons

Susanna Haas LyonsSusanna Haas Lyons, M.A., is a civic engagement specialist. Bridging online and face-to-face methods, she has worked for over 15-years on large and complex engagement projects across North America. Susanna designs participation strategies, facilitates complex meetings, and provides training for better conversations between decision-makers and those most impacted by the issue. Susanna is a judge for IAP2 Canada’s annual Core Values Awards, which recognize excellence and innovation in public participation. susannahaaslyons.com

#Schedule at a Glance   

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