Cascade Chapter: PI Network!

  • June 17, 2019
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Metro: 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232 - in the Council Chambers


  • Presentation of a current student ID is required upon entry.

Registration is closed

Lloyd to Woodlawn: Pressing “pause” and deepening engagement for more equitable outcomes

Shane Valle, PBOT Planner I (left) and Nick Falbo, PBOT Senior Planner, project lead (right)In 2018, the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) began exploring whether to divert car traffic off of NE 7th Ave to create a neighborhood greenway (bikeway) from the Lloyd area to the Woodlawn neighborhood. As the Lloyd to Woodlawn project team began sharing design options with the neighborhood, it became clear that Black community organizations in the neighborhood were concerned about how traffic diversion on NE Seventh Avenue would impact their access to the multiple Black community institutions on the street and the people they serve. The project team slowed down to delve deeper with the Black community and came to a unique resolution in the end, one that reverberated conversations through media about race, equity and community engagement in transportation planning. Come learn about how project leads contended with the challenges and opportunities presented and ultimately created space for racial equity and engagement.

More information:

PBOT news release

Portland Mercury

The Skanner

Bike Portland

Join us afterwards for happy hour on the rooftop at Hotel Eastlund!

IAP2 members: FREE

Non-members: $20*

Free admissions available for students, non-profits and those who need them, by request:

*Revenues support chapter events and programs

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