Cascade Chapter: Vancouver PI Network!

  • March 05, 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • BergerABAM: 210 E 13th St suite 300, Vancouver, WA

Vancouver PI Network!

Interstate Bridge Trunnion Replacement

Kimberly Pincheira from Washington Dept. of Transportation will present on the Interstate Bridge trunnion project taking place in 2020. This is a doozie of a project that will close the north-bound span of the Interstate Bridge for an estimated two weeks in September 2020. You can just imagine the transportation challenges to our SW Washington region. Kimberly will discuss how WDOT is conducting its outreach. Learn more:

Free parking + free attendance for IAP2 members AND non-members. Bring a lunch! RSVP to Julie Rawls:

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