IAP2 Monthly Webinar: Victoria Encore - "Creating Communications and P2 Roadmaps"

  • April 09, 2019
  • 11:00 AM
  • online


Registration is closed
P2 and Communications are closely related and yet not the same. Understanding the differences for these disciplines along with the overlaps can help us to do both more successfully. This webinar -- a reprise from the session at the 2018 IAP2 North American Conference in September -- looks at the way we design programs of communications and P2 that are truly integrated and play to the strengths of each discipline.

You'll learn how to create a roadmap for your communications and P2 planning that illustrates how they come together and when they diverge. Walk away with a tool that you can use for your own practice to enhance both your P2 and communications practices.

Remember the two-stage process when registering. Your confirmation email will contain a link to our webinar service provider. Follow that link and fill in the form to receive your login information.

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