2019 SKILLS SYMPOSIUM: When Things Go Sideways

  • February 27, 2019
  • Commons Learning Center, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg 137, Austin, TX 78758
  • 6


Building on IAP2’s Strategies for Outrage and Opposition (but not a pre-requisite) this highly participatory course will have participants uncover what’s driving emotion and outrage in P2 processes and discover what triggers these natural responses. Through exercises, discussion and multi-media presentation, participants will learn about AND PRACTICE highly effective, collaborative strategies to transform conflict and outrage and create an environment for constructive engagement.

  • Explore skills and tools to embrace high emotion and outrage in public settings
  • Build experience and practice through practical tools and approaches to constructively engage with emotional stakeholders
  • Increase self-awareness and understanding of personal reactions and responses to the emotions of others
  • Focus on encouraging positivity, generosity and civil discourse in high stakes conversations

PLEASE NOTE: International IAP2 members require a code to register. Please contact info@iap2.org to obtain it.

Cancellation and Substitution policy

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will: 

  • Participants will explore skills and tools to embrace high emotion and outrage in public settings
  • Build experience and practice through practical tools and approaches to constructively engage with emotional stakeholders
  • Increase self-awareness and understanding of personal reactions and responses to the emotions of others
  • Understand and identify some of the triggers for emotion, and practice strategies to support people in constructive engagement
  • Provide participants an opportunity to understand the tools and how they would be useful in different projects and with different stakeholders


Kim HyshkaKim Hyshka, based in Edmonton AB, is a Principal with Dialogue Partners Inc. With over 10 years working in the field of engagement, she has developed a passion for designing and facilitating conversations that matter and creating engagement experiences where participants feel valued, relationships are built and initiatives and projects move forward. Experienced in both large and small-scale projects, she has facilitated community forums in large urban centers as well as walked pipelines with Elders in the remote wilderness. Kim is an active member of IAP2 Canada and is a licensed IAP2 Foundations trainer and co-develops and trains Dialogue Partners’ courses.

Erin PoteErin brings her background as a teacher, along with skills and experience as a facilitator on complex, emotional issues. She is a trainer and developer of Dialogue Partners’ courses and advanced training programs in Public Engagement. She has assisted in the design and delivery of countless client custom courses and regularly supports the creation of new material and exercises for these courses. She specializes in design and implementation techniques for public participation that support a shift from conflict to constructive participation. She regularly teaches courses and workshops on techniques for high emotion public participation, including photo voice and Socratic circle.

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