IAP2’s Strategies for Opposition and Outrage in Public Participation course is a hands-on workshop that will show you how and why the public is angry and mistrusts you and your organization. This course is based on the theories of Dr. Peter Sandman (www.psandman.com), creator of the "Risk = Hazard + Outrage" formula and a pre-eminent risk communication speaker and consultant.
This two-day workshop will change the way that you think about and engage the public and change the way that they see you and your organization. You’ll learn how to involve the public on tough issues and keep your organization and career on track.
Note: This course was formerly known as Emotion, Outrage & Public Participation.
PLEASE NOTE:International IAP2 members require a code to register. Please contact info@iap2usa.org to obtain it.
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Learning Objectives
Participants who complete the Strategies for Dealing with Opposition and Outrage in Public Participation course will be able to
Trainer: John Godec
John Godec his an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), coach and consultant. He’s a developer of both the IAP2 Foundations and newly revamped Outrage Strategies courses, Master Certified Public Participation Professional (MCP3) and adjunct professor at Indiana University. Godec’s a roster member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, trained thousands, facilitated and managed thousands of meetings, workshops and projects throughout the America’s, the Caribbean, Europe, Australasia, South Africa and Middle East. He’s the past Communications Director of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and former Director of Issues and Crisis Management for Motorola Corporation.
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