This intermediate level two day course explores the skills and knowledge necessary to become comfortable with all the critical elements of facilitation with a special emphasis on public and stakeholder engagement scenarios. Using interactive and participatory exercises, participants will learn facilitation techniques and skills to deal with emotion, expand positive participation, identify and build common ground and move discussion forward. This course emphasizes the planning and designing of facilitated public involvement events and has a practicum component that gives all participants ample opportunity to facilitate in a supportive and constructive environment.
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Learning Objectives
List learning objectives below – what participants can expect to learn as a result of completing your course.
Course Agenda
Kim Hyshka, has spent significant time working with impacted communities, vulnerable populations and people from all walks of life who care deeply about issues that matter most to them. Experienced in large and small-scale projects, she has facilitated community forums in large urban centers and walked pipelines with Elders in the remote wilderness. Kim has successfully worked with a variety of stakeholders including municipal governments, environmental organizations, rural landowners and Aboriginal and Metis communities. Kim regularily volunteers within the IAP2 and is a licensed IAP2 Foundations trainer and co-develops and trains Dialogue Partners’ courses.
Erin Pote, brings her background as a teacher, along with skills and experience as a facilitator on complex, emotional issues. She is a trainer and developer of Dialogue Partners’ courses and advanced training programs in Public Engagement. She has assisted in the design and delivery of countless client custom courses and regularly supports the creation of new material and exercises for these courses. She specializes in design and implementation techniques for public participation that support a shift from conflict to constructive participation. She regularly teaches courses and workshops on techniques for high emotion public participation, including photo voice and Socratic circle.
#Schedule at a Glance
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