2018 SKILLS SYMPOSIUM: Planning For Effective Public Participation

  • February 26, 2018
  • February 28, 2018
  • Commons Learning Center, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg 137, Austin, TX 78758
  • 1


  • For members of AICP registering on or before December 31, 2017

Registration is closed

The landscape of global public participation is changing and a proven framework for public participation is essential. Whether new to the public participation process or an advanced practitioner, this training will provide you with the structure, techniques, and knowledge you need to be successful. The hands-on course provides a proven structure that increases your success. You will delve into your own challenges as you learn the essential elements of effective public participation planning and how to develop a detailed public participation plan.

This course is a prerequisite for the subsequent module, Techniques for Effective Public Participation.

PLEASE NOTE: International IAP2 members require a code to register. Please contact info@iap2.org to obtain it.

Cancellation and Substitution policy

Learning Objectives

At the end of this three-day course, participants will:

  • Define public participation and explain the rationale behind it
  • Explain the three foundations of effective public participation
  • List the five steps in the planning process
  • Discuss how to plan p2 objectives that can be integrated into an agency’s decision-making process
  • Explain how communication objectives support effective public participation
  • Choose from various p2 techniques to support accomplishment of p2 objectives.

Course Overview

  • What is Public Participation?
  • Who is the Public?
    • The Orbits of Public Participation
    • Hard-to-Reach Stakeholders and Striving for Inclusive Participation
  • IAP2’s Foundations of Public Participation
    • Foundation 1: Values-Based What are Values? and why are they important in P2?
      —IAP2’s Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation
      —IAP2's Code of Ethics
    • Foundation 2: Decision-Oriented
    • Foundation 3: Goal-Driven
      —IAP2s Public Participation Spectrum

  • IAP2’s Five Steps for Public Participation Planning
    • Planning Step 1: Gain Internal Commitment -- the decision maker; organization; and preliminary decision description, stakeholder list, spectrum level
    • Planning Step 2: Learn from the Public
    • Planning Step 3: Select the Level of Participation
    • Planning Step 4: Define the Decision Process and Identify the Public Participation and Communication Objectives
    • Planning Step 5: Write the P2 plan including selecting techniques, assessing needed and available resources and planning for evaluation
  • Digging Deeper
    • Public Participation Planning and Effective Communication
    • Learning Styles and Public Participation
    • Helping People Move from Positions to Interests
    • Engaging Indigenous, Marginalized and Other Excluded Groups or Missing Voices
    • Dealing with Emotions—Outrage, Fear and Anger—in Public Settings and the Importance of Empathy and Building Relationships
    • Closing the Loop with Stakeholders
    • Attitude is Everything
  • Wrap up & Closure

Trainer: Wendy Lowe

WendyLoweWendy Lowe is a course developer for the IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation and an original Master Trainer for IAP2. She was formerly on the International Board of Directors for IAP2 and oversaw the international training program for the organization for four years. She has over 25 years of designing and implementing public participation programs for federal, state, and local governments for large and small projects. She specializes in facilitating collaborative processes for controversial public policy issues. She is also a roster member of the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution and a Certified Professional Facilitator.

#Schedule at a Glance   

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