Evaluation & Public Participation

  • October 03, 2017
  • October 10, 2017
  • Online
  • 9


  • For members of the IAP2 Affiliates or IAP2 Federation International Associates.

Evaluation should always be useful, and this introductory course will cover theories and practical strategies to help you evaluate your public participation efforts. In this online course, you will examine the differences between process and impact evaluation, and review the components of a basic evaluation plan. You will craft evaluation questions, and identify indicators and consider sources of information to help you answer those questions. Above all, you will learn how to employ evaluative thinking as a learning strategy, in order to strengthen your work and achieve greater impact.

Note: Only one person per registration

Who should take this course?
Practitioners involved with planning individual engagement projects or managing a range of engagement initiatives, and who want to be able to understand the efficacy of their efforts.

Learner Outcomes
At the end of this online course, participants will:

  • Understand how tools and technique choices fit within a process design framework and context
  • Determine the most appropriate type(s) of evaluation for a P2 project
  • Describe the principle of utilization-focused evaluation and its importance
  • Describe the difference between process and impact evaluation, and specify indicators to help measure both areas
  • Evaluate a range of data sources to help evaluate P2

DATES: October 3 through 10, 2017


  • October 3, 2017 - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
  • October 10, 2017 - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

(Time Zone Converter)

Susanna Haas Lyons, M.A., is a civic engagement specialist. She designs participation strategies, facilitates complex meetings, and provides training for better conversations between decision-makers and those who are most impacted by an issue. Bridging online and face-to-face methods, she has worked for 15+ years on some of North America’s largest and most complex citizen and stakeholder engagement projects. Susanna teaches in Simon Fraser University's Dialogue and Civic Engagement certificate program, the Justice Institute of BC’s Center for Leadership, and for Alberta Municipal Affairs. She is also a judge for IAP2 Canada’s annual awards that recognize excellence and innovation in public participation. For more information, visit susannahaaslyons.com or follow her on twitter at @zannalyons.

Susanna Haas Lyons

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