IAP2 Monthly Webinar - Montreal Encore: "Is Your Organization P2-Centric?"

  • July 11, 2017
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Online Webinar


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Do you find it a challenge to convince your organization to make P2 a priority? Despite the fact that organizations are being driven to commit to P2 by a combination of planning and legislation requirements, as well as community expectations, many organizations have not put public participation at the heart of its decision making and action.

In this webinar -- another of the sessions from the 2016 IAP2 North American Conference in Montreal -- Anne Pattillo will present the results of new international research and in-depth case studies to unpack how practitioners and organizations opened their hearts and practice to public-centered decision-making and action. 

You'll wind up with new tools and ideas for leading your organization into a true commitment to engage the public in its work.

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