2023 North American Conference Seattle, WA, September 13 - 15


Join us in Seattle, Washington September 13-15, 2023 for the North American Conference hosted by IAP2 USA.

Sponsorship opportunities are available.

    Registration Opens Soon
    Call for Session Proposals

    IAP2 USA and IAP2 Canada are seeking session proposals for the 12th Annual IAP2 North American Conference, to be held in person in Seattle, WA September 13-15.

    Are you someone who’s passionate about meaningfully including the public in what you do. From education, to public health to urban planning, do you think creatively to find equitable solutions to engagement challenges, and you’re excited to share your work with up to 400 colleagues doing the same?

    We invite practice-based and community-informed presentations that explore this year's theme. 

    Program Theme: Partnering for Possibility. 

    The world of public participation has shifted dramatically. Now entering the fourth year of a global pandemic and finding new ways to center equity amidst racial reckoning and reconciliation, communities are organizing and leading in exciting new ways. Virtual engagement is here to stay, and as we shift back to in-person activities we face logistical and technological challenges associated with hybrid engagement. Equity, diversity and inclusion are front and center and communities are challenging the status quo for what authentic engagement means.

    IAP2 USA is committed to equitable practices and the dismantling of racism at all levels of the organization and throughout our public participation practice. We will elevate the voices of people and communities that have been marginalized due to their race, color, culture, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, and ability by centering equity in all that we do. Additionally, IAP2 USA calls on all individuals involved in public participation to actively work to dismantle racist and discriminatory practices and policies in organizations and communities by using public decision-making processes that are accessible, welcoming, and empowering for marginalized communities. (IAP2 USA 2022)

    We are looking for practical approaches, tools, and inspiring examples and stories that people can apply in their own work. To help guide you as you prepare your proposal, we encourage you to consider the following sub-themes for your proposal:

    • Safety First! How do we create safe spaces for authentic community engagement? What does safe space look like or feel like for diverse groups and historically marginalized communities? How does creating safe space allow for BOTH more inclusive process AND better outcomes?
    • Creative Collaboration - How do you infuse creativity in public engagement? What happens when we center art, story-telling, or other creative mediums in otherwise rigid and prescribed processes? How does fostering creativity help us get to better solutions?
    • Doing Good and Doing Better How have you centered authentic and inclusive engagement in your work? What does the future have in store for community engagement? 

    The deadline to submit a proposal is Saturday, April 15, 2023, 11:59 PM (PST).

    More Details

    Key Dates

    Conference registration opens- May 1, 2023

    Call for proposals opens- Wednesday, March 15, 2023

    Call for proposals closes- Friday, April  15, 2023

    Acceptance and rejection notifications- Mid-May 2023

    Program Announced- End of May 2023

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