July 2021 Newsletter From the Executive Manager's Desk - Premier Professional Development for Public Participation Professionals July 2021 Message: Gail Madziar, Executive Manager, IAP2 USA This year’s IAP2 North American Conference keynotes will be among the most informative and valuable plenaries the conference has offered. Writer, poet, educator and interdisciplinary artist Anastacia-Reneé will offer a thought-provoking talk about the role of public participation in engaging BIPOC and marginalized communities. Dr. Crystal Hall unpacks the social science behind decision-making and policy and Rahmin Sarabi and Lauren Higgens will look at the intersections of deliberative democracy, participatory democracy, and organizing across unlikely allies for the greater good. You don’t want to miss these engaging experts. With dozens of sessions across a wide range of topics the 2021 NAC is an ideal venue for open dialogue and idea exchange with a large community of public participation professionals across North America. Chapters and Professional Certification will both provide sessions so you can explore those avenues. If you are unable to attend all the sessions, they will be recorded and available for some time after the event. You can see the full agenda here. For more information on the North American Virtual Conference September 13-16 visit the conference site.
IAP2 USA’s Commitment to Equity
DEI Statement Approved by IAP2 USA Board By Aline Faiwichow Estefam Racism and systemic biases are antithetical to all IAP2 USA stands for. As an organization, we cannot stay silent and hope for a more equitable future. To assure that diversity is at the core of our practice, and as part of our Action plan for 2021, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee has developed an organizational commitment to Equity. With leadership from the DEI committee members Coby Williams and Phyllis Timpo, the document outlines steps that IAP2 will take to ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion. The commitment tried to fully express why DEI is essential to P2 practice and how IAP2 intends to focus our work on it. We are grateful to all members who shared their feedback, which made this more robust and encouraged IAP2. If you are interested in learning more and reading all feedback, please access the document here.
IAP2 USA Board of Directors Nominations - Deadline August 6th
IAP2 USA Seeks Interested Individuals to Become Licensed Trainers
IAP2 USA is gathering a list of interested individuals wishing to become licensed as IAP2 trainers! In preparation for future roll out of harmonized licensed curriculum and new courses, IAP2 USA is looking for individuals who are passionate and skilled public participation practitioners who seek to advance public engagement through teaching and bringing concepts alive for beginning through advanced adult learners.
IAP2’s trainers model IAP2’s Core Values and Code of Ethics, not only in the training room, but in their own practice. We especially invite applicants from under-represented and marginalized cultures and communities.
Click here add your name to the interest list. The process for becoming a trainer is currently under review, and more details will be available this fall. Thank you for your interest. Questions? Contact erin@iap2usa.org.
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Featured Course - IAP2's Public Participation for Decision Makers
Trainer: Kim Hyshka, CP3
August 11, 2021
12:30 - 4:00pm Eastern
Do you make decisions affecting the public?
Do you consult with the public as you make your decisions?
Are you sometimes reluctant to include them in the conversation?
This virtual workshop is designed to show you how your decisions are so much better for consulting with the public -- the people affected by the decision.
You’ll learn:
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Webinar Recordings - Available free to Members On-Demand
All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into iap2usa.org. Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.
Members can view this and all other webinars in our Webinar Archives.
August Learning Webinar