Technology Corner by Adriana Hemzacek |
Budgets are, arguably, the most direct way a community expresses what is important. Should the focus be parks and recreation? Public health? Police? Helping the homeless? If the answer is yes to all—how are we going to pay for it? Balancing Act is a fun and easy way for residents to learn about public budgets and the choices their elected officials face in the budgeting process. It allows participants to try allocating funds— expressing their priorities and preferences — but also requires them to balance spending and revenue.
Look for a New Member Directory in July! We are updating our Member Directory with a new look! A new "Members-Only" section - login required - will contain advance search features such as by geography or interest areas, increasing networking opportunities and building relationships. To that end, please update your profile by Tuesday, July 7th. The more detail you add, the more others will learn about you! For example:
Then make your profile searchable by adding city, state, chapter affiliation, and selecting the radio button options for years of experience, areas of P2 experience, and interest areas. Once you're done, save your changes, and then click on "My directory profile" to see what displays. Select "Back," "Edit profile," and "Privacy" to control what information gets displayed. You're in the driver's seat when it comes to what gets shown in the directory. If you have any questions contact Jennifer at info@iap2usa.org. |
IAP2 USA is pleased to be collaborating with IAP2 Canada on a North American Research Committee. Are you interested, do you have questions – learn more or join the Committee by contacting the Committee Chair, Maria de Bruijn. |
Designing Public Participation Processes (from Public Administration Review, Vol. 73, pp. 23-34) Bryson, J. M., Quick, K. S., Slotterback, C. S. and Crosby, B. C. (2013), Designing Public Participation Processes. Public Administration Review, Vol. 73, pp. 23–34. The article outlines research and evidence based, cross-disciplinary guidelines for designing public participation to offer guidance to practitioners. The 12 guidelines are grouped into three broad categories for creating, managing, and evaluating public participation activities.
Interesting Links – by Matt Leighninger
The module includes practical how-to information on a wide variety of participation skills, from recruitment to conflict resolution to online forum moderation.
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