May 2021 Newsletter
From the Executive Manager's Desk - Is Your Elevator Speech Ready?
If all goes well, we will soon be attending our meetings and gatherings in person. You may even find yourself in an elevator with an acquaintance who asks about public participation. That’s your chance to explain about IAP2 USA. Are you ready with that two or three minute pitch about the organization – often used at networking events and parties, remember those? We recently put together a brief synopsis to help you describe how the core values are important to effective public participation. Try out these talking points next time you need help describing good P2.
2021 Greater Good Award: Nominations Close June 30, 2021 There is still time to nominate an outstanding professional for an IAP2 USA Greater Good Award. The honor recognizes excellence achieved by individuals in the field of public participation in the United States. These individuals are pioneers in the field, and helped shape it to become what it is today. The IAP2 USA Greater Good - Emerging Leader Award has been created in recognition of emerging leadership. This award is for people who are under 35 and/or have fewer than five years in the practice and are making a new impact on the public participation profession. Join this elite group of P2 honorees. Candidate(s) may be nominated by any IAP2 USA member, chapter or company. The requirement is that the nominee has illustrated outstanding leadership, service, and application of the IAP2 Core Values in the field of public participation. The selection of the honorees is made by the IAP2 USA President, and awards are given at the North American Conference each year. This year’s virtual celebration will be held at the virtual North American Conference on September 13. Learn about the 2020 Greater Good winner and the Greater Good Emerging Leader winner. Nominations are open. Deadline is June 30, 2021.
2021 North American Virtual Conference: Register Today! #iap2nac Registration is now open for the 10th Annual International Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) North American Virtual Conference, September 13-16, 2021. Details of exciting keynote and plenary programs are coming soon. Session selection is almost complete and an array of networking and fun activities are being planned. Early registration discounts are available until July 1, 2021. This year’s conference theme Sound Partnerships: Community Engagement in Times of Change offers a reflection from the past year highlighting the lessons learned and the innovations that came from carrying public participation values through a global pandemic and racial justice reckoning. The event will be an inspiration and call to action as we continue to equitably advance public participation in our communities and neighborhoods. We look forward to seeing you virtually in September!
Featured Courses - IAP2's Foundations in Public Participation Trainer: Doug Zenn June 28 - Jul 1 - IAP2 Foundations in P2: Techniques For Effective Public Participation Foundations in Public Participation will prepare you to hit the ground running, armed with the knowledge and confidence you need to plan and execute effective community engagement. The program is divided into two modules, Planning and Techniques, for effective public participation. Upon completion of both modules, you will receive a certificate from IAP2. Details Module One introduces a proven method for planning effective public participation. Module Two equips students with 40+ diverse methods for accomplishing engagement objectives. Both courses are delivered in half-day sessions full of interactive exercises and opportunities to get to work with fellow P2 practitioners virtually. Planning for Effective Public Participation 5- 4 Hour Days CM | 18 CM Last Day to Register: 6/9/2021 |
IAP2 USA Announces First On-Demand Virtual Course Trainer: Stephani Roy McCallum Self Paced Learning At your own pace, in your own time This new self-paced course will build your skills and knowledge for bravely leading in times of polarization and conflict. We live in times of rapid change, upheaval and global inter-connection. We are experiencing a growing divide and polarization between people, with an increasing dynamic of us versus them. We've seen a rise in public shame, blame and vitriol. We face enormous complex challenges like climate change, the global refugee crisis, systemic racism and inequity. We've been hit with a global pandemic which is causing rising fear, anxiety and uncertainty. While all these things are in the space of the public arena where we interact with each other every day, we have a unique opportunity to choose how we want to lead these biggest challenges of our lives and choose how we want to work together with others.
2021 Annual General Membership Meeting June 21 Announcing this year's Annual General Membership meeting. Members can view the agenda and register here. |
2021 North American Virtual Conference - Sponsorship Opportunities
The 10th Annual International Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) North American Conference is virtual again this year with exciting technology upgrades and experience enhancements for participants and sponsors. This year’s conference theme Sound Partnerships: Community engagement in Times of Change offers a reflection from the past year highlighting the lessons learned and the innovations that came from carrying public participation values through a global pandemic and racial justice reckoning. The event will be an inspiration and call to action as we all move public participation forward equitably in our communities and neighborhoods.
A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available to meet the diverse needs and interests of our partners. Contact Erin Zimmermann, Strategic Development Manager, IAP2 USA for details.
2021 Competition: New and Emerging Transportation Technologies
TRB 15th Annual Communicating Concepts with John and Jane Q. Public Competition
Competition flyer | Entry Form (for optimal viewing, choose to download or view as PDF)
This call seeks best practices in successfully communicating with John and Jane Q. Public about New and Emerging Transportation Technologies .
What qualifies? Competition entries can include, but are not limited to: multi-media communications campaigns, websites, graphics, illustrations, social media strategies, studies, publications, photos, videos, software, interactive exercises and presentations. Most importantly, this call is looking for how the results are delivered in “kitchen-table”terms that John and Jane Q. Public can understand.
Who can submit an entry? Individuals, agencies, and private companies working for agencies that communicate transportation topics to the public can submit an application.
Webniar Recordings - Available free to Members On-Demand All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.
Members can view this and all other webinars in our Webinar Archives. June Learning Webinar