Welcome New Board Members!
It is with pleasure that we welcome our new 2016-2018 directors to the IAP2 USA Board - Ryan Henderson, Leah Jaramillo (returning), Wendy Lowe (returning), Joab Ortiz, Catherine Smith, Jennifer Trotter, and Jay Vincent. Please take the time to get to know them by reading their candidate nomination forms – learn about their aspirations for IAP2 USA. They will be joining Myles Alexander, Tim Bonnemann, Kyle Bozentko, MJ Bull, Anne Carroll, Kit Cole, Matt Leighninger, Francesca Patricolo, John Poynton, and Stephen Prestwood.
As well, this is a time to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Board members that are leaving us – David Hovde, Lance Robertson and Doug Zenn.

IAP2 USA continues to grow its membership, deliver on professional development opportunities such as the North American Conference in Portland, the Skills Symposium in Minneapolis, the Core Values Awards, monthly webinars, and so much more. Thank you to the Board Members that help make this happen!
IAP2 USA Skills Symposium, February 21-25, 2016
Deadline for Early Bird Registration is December 16!
Here are five good reasons to join us in San Diego:
- Diversity of training – something for everyone
- World class trainers – yes, take the time to find out about these incredible trainers
- Great networking opportunities – we are expecting people from around the world - think what you could learn from your fellow participants!
- Something new this year – we are going to work on some “Big Hairy Problems” together – this is a great opportunity to roll up your sleeves and work hand in hand with your trainers and others to put what you are learning into action
- San Diego – yes, work hard during the day but take time to enjoy this beautiful city!
No matter your training goals we believe that we can meet your needs. Early bird registration continues until December 16th – please note that space in the courses and at our Symposium hotel are limited so register now to avoid disappointment.
Member Spotlight: Robyn Austin
Robyn came to IAP2 USA in a convoluted way. With a background in public policy and intergovernmental relations, Robyn worked in communications with the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Federal Courts before joining Kittelson & Associates, a transportation engineering firm, to help with public involvement.
“It was a really good fit with my background in government relations and public policy, and I started out developing communications plans focusing on outreach and social media, but something was missing. I was the only one in the firm specifically focusing on public involvement, so I didn’t have anyone else to run ideas by. There wasn’t a team to draw energy from.”
Robyn ended up searching the Internet to find people doing similar things when she ran across IAP2 USA. She attended an event in Bend, Oregon where she discovered “this amazing group of people just like me –all in central Oregon!” IAP2 events gave Robyn the opportunity to meet and learn from people doing public participation work, but even more so they helped her solidify her role and shape what she was doing.
REWIND-1 – Social Media and P2 – The IAP2 December Webinar
Most of us in this profession now use social media to some extent, but are we using it to its greatest effect? In the IAP2 December Webinar, independent consultant Karen Zyphcyn (IAP2 Canada Wild Rose) and Robyn Austin (IAP2 USA Intermountain & Cascade), led the discussion that included a look at the various tools available, as well as the limitations of social media.
Karen pointed out that nearly 60% of Canadian adults and 72% of adults in the USA are on Facebook. But what’s more important is the frequency of usage: Canadians average nine visits in a week and in the US, 70% of Facebook users visit at least once a day. That sort of information can give you an idea of how effective social media can be in reaching people. Only about a quarter of Canadian and American adults use Twitter.

Or, click here to view the webinar recording and PowerPoint slide decks.
REWIND-2 – Research & Practice – the IAP2 November webinar
In just about any field, marrying academic research and the actual practice can be a bit of a challenge. Our November webinar looked at ways in which that’s happening in the P2 field. Our guests were Fiona Cavanagh of the Centre for Public Involvement in Edmonton and Stephanie Brooks, Public Outreach specialist at Michael Baker International and a member of the Standing Committee on Public Involvement of the U.S. Transportation Research Board (TRB).
The IAP2 November webinar was notable for a number of technical issues. Just before it started, one of the worse storms in living memory knocked out power on Southern Vancouver Island, where we physically orchestrate the webinars. We had to scramble to set up at an alternative Wi-Fi site – thank you, Starbucks! – and our presenters stepped up to get the webinar “on the air.” We apologize again for the technical problems and thank everyone who took part for sticking it out.
Or, click here to view the webinar recording and access additional resources.
Starting in January – Webinars on the Core Values Award winners!
In January, we begin a series of webinars with the 2015 Core Values Awards winners. Watch for an e-blast with further information as soon as the January speakers are confirmed!
Exciting news from the 2016 IAP2 North American Conference Committee!
It’s not even 2016 yet and we’re already getting pumped for the 2016 IAP2 North American Conference! It’s happening September 28-30, 2016, at the Sofitel in Montréal, registration will open in 2016.
Sign up soon and get a SERIOUS discount on the regular registration fee: until July 1, members (including international members) will pay C$550.00 while non-members pay C$700. After July 1, those rates go up to C$700 and C$850, respectively, with full-time students paying C$300 any time. Note: Rates are provided in Canadian dollars.
Your registration includes:
- Welcome Reception, Wednesday, September 28
- All sessions, continental breakfast and lunch, September 29 & 30
- Core Values Awards Gala Dinner, Thursday, September 29
You also qualify for the special Conference rate at Sofitel: $189/night!
YOU have an opportunity to help make it happen! The organizing committee is looking for volunteers to serve on a number of committees, including:
- Sponsorship – Develop sponsorship packages based on those developed for past conferences and recruit sponsors.
- Volunteer Coordination – Advertise for and engage mid- and short-term volunteers to serve on various committees both in the organizing period and during the conference itself.
For more information on volunteering, contact Hugo Mimee at mimee.hugo@hydro.qc.ca.
Check the 2016 North American Conference website often for more information.